Well, I think we have finally been given that chance and I think it's a matter of us, whether that be Marilyn Manson fans or whether you be fans of some other rock band.

Anybody who has the desire and who's smart enough to know that there needs to be a change, really has the chance now with what the Internet has the potential of becoming. I think it's an outlet where we cannot be censored anymore, it's an outlet where the people who dispense these mediocre forms of entertainment to us can be replaced, by everyone; I think, it would be great that if every person who ever listened to one of our albums, went out and made their own music or made their own website, made their own movies, did whatever they could.

I think, it's all about not relying on the technology, but using it to weed out who's going to be the real artist now, who's gonna be the person who actually has something to say, so I think, I'm hoping that everyone joins together with me and tries to make their own difference.